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The Toe Hold - A Great Jiu Jitsu Ankle Lock

...and how to set it up flawlessly.

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24 responses to “Toe Holds – The Best Jiu Jitsu Ankle Lock Ever… possibly.”

  1. Good stuff brother! I’m wanting to train up and work on a couple of things so I can start fighting. I definitely want to become unstoppable so thanks for everything!

  2. Do you have to take the guy to the ground? Or can you apply this hold while you are both on you feet after you grab his leg off a kick?

  3. 1. What’s to stop the opponent from punching you in the face when you take his leg? It appears your left side is completely defenseless and open to receive a punch from his right hand?

    2. After you knock the bigger guy down on his back, What’s to stop the bigger guy from punching you in the groin?

  4. Absolutely fantastic!…except that anti-toenail polish bit. Girls be watching. Guys who like toenail polish be watching.

  5. Amazing..looks easy..i like to practice ..i enjoy drills..i want to get smooth with this.practiced a stupid drill for 5 years when I was a kid bouncing a soccerball off my feet 2495 times..stupid..i want to get good at this..thx for video..

  6. I love your videos T, I also noted that its different than what i have used, where yours puts ur opponent face down by the end. I freestyle wrestled since grade school and did a number of martial arts, like jui jitsu to name one and boxing. So I am glad I found your site to expand my library of moves and tecniques!!!

    I am used to using this ankle lock by using the same lock but where you are still facing the opponent. Mine is where you tuck the ankle tight under your arm pit (so the foot is behind me), then you use the same hand/forearm lock (marine chokehold?) on the ankle and shin, then lean back at an angle(or twist ur body) while your arms push forward to apply more pressure than the lean back and/or twist. It may be hard to picture but can be executed even if you and opponent are on the ground.

    Again TY for the great videos, your sense of humour and style of teaching is not only superb but BRILLIANT!

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