If It Works, Do It Again

Demand Defensive 'Proof'

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59 responses to “If It Works, Do It Again”

  1. And the lethal left lands leaving Larry lightheaded. Being a lefty, that brings me joy. Kicks were nice too.

  2. Maybe if they put signage up in bars, to let people know if you get drunk, they won’t be able to fight.

  3. I believe had his kicks been 6 inches lower his encounter may have been over in 1/2 the time. Just an observation.

  4. This looks very dominant, but I’d guess the guy throwing the mint leg kicks has some training. If you’re watching this video thinking oh I should do this and you don’t have practice throwing kicks… Maybe stick with throwing hands. I say this as a guy who does not have practice with kicks, but has seen many a guy end up on his backside after trying to Bruce Lee somebody.

    Excellent lesson though re doing something again if it’s successful. Pro fighters can’t go to the well too much but for someone with no training, it’s mystifying and frustrating to keep getting hit with the same strike.

    • A full length heavy bad and three months of work… this weapon could be yours.

      It’s considerably less risky than any technique from Enter the Dragon.

  5. Did anyone properly appreciate that flawless slip/evasion when shirtless guy tried to hit back?
    Kickboxy guy has some experience.

  6. Guys, just a friendly reminder (or warning for those who don’t know). This video does NOT show self defense. The guy doing the kicking looks like he knows what he is doing and is willingly engaging in a fight. Indeed, he looks like the attacker in the situation. When he knocks the other guy out, it is on concrete. Although unlikely, the two knocks in a row (the jab and the ensuing bumping of the head on concrete) is potentially FATAL. And this is all documented on being video as evidence. If the knock out did cause serious injury or death, the guy doing the kicking and delivering the knock-out could go to jail for twenty five years or something, not to mention the guilt of killing someone who, although a jerk, probably didn’t deserve to die. Just… bear it in mind. Do NOT engage in fights that you don’t have to. The life you save could be your own.

    • I’m going to have to disagree. If the other guy had ‘stopped’ fighting and was trying to disengage, then sure… you would be right. But assuming that this fight was self defense to begin with, he could certainly argue that the fight isn’t ‘over’ until the threat is subdued!

      • Hi, Trav. Interesting to hear your thoughts as always, but, respectfully, I would have to disagree very strongly on this one (I’m somewhat trained in these matters). It would be interesting to know whether your reading of it and mine is due to a difference in use-of-force law between the USA and UK (where I am), but I doubt it…

        If the guy who gets knocked out sustained serious head-injury, perhaps fatally so, I don’t think there’s any way that the guy doing the knocking out could claim that it was done out of self defense, or, in other words, that it was a reasonable use of force in that moment.
        The question for a jury would be… did the guy delivering the knock-out/fatality NEED to do it? Was it REASONABLE for him to do it, or were there other, perfectly sensible options that could’ve minimised harm?
        He (the guy delivering the knock-out) seems to have ample opportunity to try to disengage from the fight by leaving peacefully, is clearly able-bodied enough to do so, is not out-numbered, and has plenty of people around him to look to for support if he’s feeling threatened. Indeed, far from self-defense, the guy delivering the knock-out looks like HE is the attacker, and showed no sign of trying to de-escalate the situation. Moreover, the guy he’s fighting has no weapon, nor seems particularly aggressive or competent, and therefore is NOT in urgent need of subduing to the point of serious injury/fatality. In other words, he (the one delivering the knock-out) did not NEED to engage in that fight to the point of causing serious injury, and therefore would be accountable for any injury caused. Self defense would, most likely, NOT be accepted as an excuse. Rather, it’s just two arrogant young men, neither being responsible for the other’s safety, both willingly taking part in unnecessarily aggressive behaviour. If the guy who gets knocked out died, the guy delivering the knock-out could find himself being prosecuted for murder, hence my original comment.

        Apologies if the above sounds combative. It isn’t meant to be. I just don’t want young men to screw up their lives, or the lives of others, by engaging in fights that they don’t have to.

        • I respect your disagreement, and certainly encourage anyone reading to be extremely wary of the law… as even when you ARE justified, all it takes is one mistaken witness, or a witness who only saw half of the altercation.

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