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How to Fight - Fatal Self Defense Techniques

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This lesson will teach you how to both break necks and choke your opponent to sleep while you're still on your feet.  This is some of the most brutal stuff that I have on the website, so please be careful.

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24 responses to “How to Fight – Fatal Self Defense Techniques”

  1. Greg’s poor neck! Every crack made me wince. I predict chiropractor bills a plenty in that young man’s future.

  2. Just food for though, but what do I know, going to prison isn’t your only concern; the dude’s family (if he’s dead) will be coming after your house and part of your paycheck for the rest of your life, and whatever else they can get. (Some say that you can just file bankruptcy, but remember that you can’t generally discharge willful conduct, so that might not work out so well for you. But if you’re seriously considering that, talk to a Bankruptcy specialist. I’m just talking generally here.) If the guy lives, then he will be the one going after your life’s possessions (forever until the judgment’s paid, . . . with interest). And remember, the DA might not prosecute you because the criminal burden of proof is really high and harder to prove, but in a civil case the burden of proof against you is much lower and easier. Guaranteed, if you have a house and/or a good job, you’ll be paying a Lawyer to defend you against the civil case even if you were righteously defending yourself. And maybe they still talk a Jury into a Verdict against you. I’ll be blunt here, it doesn’t matter whether you’re right or wrong in what you did; it only matters what the Jury thinks. (I can hear the Lawyer jokes now. . . . just try’n to be helpful. Cheers)

    • That’s all very true but if your alternative is possibly die from stabbing, bouncing your head of the concrete after a ko or just straight up getting kicked to death on the ground by 3 guys, to quote trav…that’s a terrible f***ing trade! Lol but yeh all the sentences and fines in the world can’t change the instinct to live and the adrenaline probably won’t even give you the choice.

    • Yes, in my country we have so stupid judges (and also laws and government too), that nearly one usable defense in HIDDEN – therefore I trained and training still NINJUTSU (Hidden Techniques). For example if above video I will be doing that not as FRONT approach but by SIDE standing and I will be therefore hiding half viewangle of other people with my (and attackerĀ“s) body. Or I will move attackers back against most viewers forthem to not be able really see what i am doing. Also I will not choke him (but quick knee kick – it can be done hidden way by side as above explained). I will sweep attacker leg and much mor rotate his head and instead of (just) choke I will catch his arm also (as also shown in above video), therefore the torso TURNS and I will be able easy and do hidden throw to ground even making impresion that the guy just somehow fall by himself ;). Then I will just shrug shouldersd saying somethink stupid to not be even remembered as dealing damage and walk away and change clothes (appearance) ASAP. May I do video(s) with that?

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